The interpreters take the floor to talk about their work, interests and issues, in a menu created by and for interpreters.
Los intérpretes tienen la palabra: hablan de su trabajo, intereses o problemas. Un menú por y para intérpretes.
INTERPRETERS, un film par André DELVAUX, cinéaste symbole du cinéma belge moderne, 1968 © European Commission.
Au sein de la tour de Babel qu’est l’Union européenne, focus sur le travail des interprètes, artisans de l’ombre et garants à la fois de diversité culturelle et de cohésion. Une profession au coeur des enjeux géopolitiques actuels et dont l’avenir est incertain, menacé par l’intelligence artificielle. VINGT-QUATRE LANGUES, UNE EUROPE est un film par Jean Crépu pour arte tv
Renée HAFERKAMP is a former director general of the European Commission, and has participated in all the important milestones of the European Union, from the period of Paul-Henri Spaak and Jean Monnet to Jacques Delors and Jose-Emmanuel Barroso.
Anne Marie Widlund Fantini, former Head of the EPs French Interpreting Unit and her distinguished colleague and former trainer Christopher Thiéry discuss the past and the future of the profession.
Tenzin Dolkar is a nun originally from Spain who has spent seventeen years in Dharamsala studying Buddhist philosophy. She is the Spanish-speaker with the most fluent Tibetan and greatest knowledge of Buddhism and has therefore been appointed the official interpreter into Spanish of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Ivana Čeňková parle de l´inteprétation simultanée et consécutive dans un pays de l´Europe Centrale avant 1989 et aussi de son expérience d´interprète de conférence dans les institutions européennes faisant le retour et servant de relais pour les autres cabines.
Eduardo MENDOZA, Premio de Literatura en Lengua Castellana Miguel de Cervantes 2016, talks about his time as a translator and conference interpreter and how this experience has influenced his career as a writer.
Ten things to think about before handing over good money for a conference interpreter’s training course.
In conversation with Peter SAND, about interpreting, professional profiles, the private market beyond institutions and the future.
José OVEJERO, antiguo intérprete de conferencias de la Comisión Europea, nos habla de la influencia de la interpretación en su carrera literaria.
Androulla VASSILIOU, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth talks about languages, multilingualism and the role of conference interpreters.
David SMITH, retiring head of the English interpreting unit at the European Commission, looks back at a life spent in and around the interpreting booth and wonders what the future may bring.
Rafa Rodríguez, ex-intérprete del SCIC, nos cuenta cómo ha ido cambiando su trabajo de intérprete de conferencias en las Instituciones Europeas en los últimos treinta años y cómo pueden contribuir los intérpretes a que se siga haciendo uso de la interpretación al español.
A fictional and humorous portrait of an interpreter’s mid-career breakdown.
Michalina Ageros is a French booth interpreter, with English and Polish as her B languages, and Portuguese as her C language. She is a member of AIIC, a conference interpreting lecturer at UK universities, and holds a PhD Diploma in Law. She was born in the early 1930s in Kraków, Poland, where she lived until World War II broke out.
“A Day in the Life of Real Interpreters” by director Sydney Pollack is an interesting look at the challenges of simultaneous interpretation, explained by Diana Liao, Chief of the Interpretation Service at the UN, and Brigitte Andreassier-Pearl, Chief of the French section of the Interpretation Service at the UN. Pollack discusses the intention of the scenes on which he comments, what he added after shooting and took out in editing and why: story, locations, and some technical challenges. © Universal Pictures
Escuchamos a Anne hablarnos de su trabajo. ©European Council
Marina talks about the ins and outs and the challenges of working at the EU Court of Justice.
Iciar talks about interpreting as a window to history in the making.
Mónica shares some handy tips on how to dress for work.
Salim GHOSTINE nous parle de son expérience comme interprète personnel du pape au Vatican.
Freelance interpreters have no fixed retirement date, so when is it time to bow out? All of us have different backgrounds, markets, language combinations and personal situations – what should guide a decision to retire?
Thomas describes how translators and interpreters work and discusses the similarities and differences.
Carlos talks about one of the new EU languages – Hungarian.
AIIC is the only global association of conference interpreters. Since the very early days of modern conference interpreting, AIIC has promoted high standards of quality and ethics in the profession and represented the interests of its practitioners.