In this globalised world multilingualism is burgeoning, setting a challenge for States, institutions, societies and individuals.
En tiempos de globalización surge un panorama cultural multilingüe, una situación que plantea retos a Estados, instituciones, sociedades e individuos.
The war in Ukraine that started just over a year ago created a sudden demand for interpreters working into and from Ukrainian. In this short interview Ludmila Davis talks of her experience as a Ukrainian interpreter, interpreting for President Zelensky on various occasions as well as the emotional toll of working when your country is at war.
English has certainly not disappeared; it is an official language in 2 member states: Ireland and Malta. Brexit has not changed the status of English. Arguably, it is even more of a lingua franca, since it is no longer associated with a big (and some might say: awkward) member state.
We listen to church simultaneous interpretation EN FR at Vineyard Brussels, Belgium.
Thinking of learning Turkish? In this video interpreters talk about their professional experience with Turkish.
Have you ever toyed with the idea of adding Arabic to your language combination? During my interpreting career, I have only come across a handful of brave souls who ventured to learn Arabic and actually add it as a working language.
Interpreters are essential to multilingualism.
Fernando Savater discusses languages, translation and interpretation.
Eduardo Mendoza nos habla de lenguas y bilingüsimo.
We talk to Spanish media professionals about the challenge of reporting in a conflict zone and the role played by interpreters — “fixers”– in their work.
José Antonio Pascual Rodríguez, catedrático de lengua española, lingüista y vicedirector de la Real Academia Española nos habla de la lengua, sus usos y males.
Escuchamos a Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo Ibáñez-Martín, juez del Tribunal General de la Unión Europea, hablarnos sobre la labor de los intérpretes de conferencias.
Felicidades, Xema!
Latin Language, is dead or alive?
F. Xavier Vila, profesor titular de la Universidad de Barcelona y Director del Observatorio Universitario de Sociolingüística y Comunicación, nos habla del modelo educativo de inmersión lingüística catalán en el contexto actual.
Félix de Azúa discusses language, education and politics.
In the hands of nationalism, language becomes a political tool with which to invent identities. In the case of Catalonia, given the current social situation, the result is discriminatory and reactionary policies.
MEP Raül Romeva i Rueda, Vice-Chair of the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance from Iniciativa per Catalunya-Verds talks about the Catalan language in international organizations.
Francesc de Carreras, Professor of Constitutional Law at the Autónoma University of Barcelona, talks about language policy.
Xema tells us about Globish and its consequences.
Bideoa, euskaraz eta gaztelaniaz: Jaione Arregik euskaratik eta euskarara interpretatzeari buruz eta bere ibilbide profesionalari buruz hitz egin digu.
Are some languages superior to others? Or are all languages on an equal footing in terms of enabling communication between their speakers?
Aurelio ARTETA, catedrático de Filosofía Moral y Política de la UPV, nos habla de políticas lingüísticas y nacionalismos.
Francisco SOSA WAGNER, eurodiputado de UPyD, nos habla sobre lenguas y multilingüismo en el entorno multicultural europeo.
Although English is now the most widely learned foreign language, Thomas explains why it is also important to learn other languages and what the cultural benefits of doing so are.
Albert BOADELLA, dramaturgo, director de Teatro y fundador de Els Joglars nos habla de la utilización de la lengua como herramienta política en Cataluña.
Ana Miranda, eurodeputada do BNG, fálanos do seu traballo como eurodeputada, de linguas e de intérpretes.
European bilingual communities have implemented one of these two linguistic models in their schools: either bilingual education or the provision of education in each of the official languages of the country or community. In contrast, in Catalonia schools apply a monolingual model with Catalan as the only language of instruction. This video explains some of the shortcomings of the Catalan model and puts forward bilingual education for all schoolchildren in Catalonia.
Hablamos con el escritor Arcadi Espada sobre lenguas, revanchas y políticas lingüísticas.
Europako Legebiltzarrean ere Euskeraz.