Virtual Classes programme
Virtual Classes are special videoconferences where SCIC experienced staff interpreters and trainers provide training support to partner universities.
Different training modules can be chosen by the universities on the basis of the Virtual training Menu; interpretation sessions for all the phases in the EMCI learning process or seminars on different subjects like Self-training (for students) or good practices of giving feedback(for trainers) .VCs can either be:
• Multilateral (e. g.: assessors from the Commission and another international institution evaluating students from one partner university);
• Bilateral (e.g.: assessors from either SCIC with one University only).
Interpreting sessions follow an agreed script: speech by trainers, simultaneous and consecutive interpreting by students, and assessment by assessors: content, message, extra-linguistics, omissions, and style.
This whole project started when the University of Geneva (ETI) developed a multipoint learning project in the framework of its virtual learning platform. This new system allowed the European Institutions to link up with universities via videoconference and to provide distant teaching assistance. SCIC participated for the first time as an observer on 27 November 2008. The experience has shown that this pedagogical support tool is working well and has the potential to supplement classical pedagogical assistance if and where needed.
Currently our more regular partners in this programme are among the following universities:Astrakhan State University, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,Universitat autonòma de Barcelona,Boğaziçi Üniversitesi,Bilkent Üniversitesi,Universidad Pontificia Comillas (UPC),Universitas Carolina (Charles University) Prag,Comenius university, Bratislava,ELTE Fordító- és Tolmácsképző Tanszék (ELTE FTT), Budapest,École de Traduction et d’Interprétation (ETI) Genève,École Supérieure d’Interprétation et Traduction (ESIT) Paris,Università di Forli (SSLMIT),KU LEUVEN,Universidad de La Laguna (ULL),Universidade de Lisboa, (FLUL),Univerza Ljubljana,London Metropolitan University (LondonMet),University of Malta, Universidade,Pedagogica de Maputo,University of Nairobi,Petersburg Herzen University,Sofia University (Saint Klimt Ohridski),Università di Trieste (UNITS),University of Vilnius,: University of Warsaw,
Students participating in Virtual classes can fully benefit from the expertise of interpreters working for European institutions and have an idea of how ACI interinstitutional test panels evaluate performances.
Virtual Classes also go beyond that: they are inspirational whereby every interpretation student can have a flavour of the EU interpreters’ professionalism.
Fernando Leitao is staff interpreter at DG INTERPRETATION, SCIC, EUROPEAN COMMISSION.