“In order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are needed: they must be fit for it; they must not do too much of it; and they must have a sense of success in it.”
John Ruskin
“In order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are needed: they must be fit for it; they must not do too much of it; and they must have a sense of success in it.”
John Ruskin
Enrique Dans me aconsejó hace unos meses crear un blog con todo mi material. La verdad es que la simple idea de volcar todo el material de los últimos dos años en una nueva plataforma daba un poco de vértigo: seleccionar y ordenar todos los vídeos, con tématicas diferentes o características técnicas distintas, suponía mucho trabajo. [Read more…]
Jokes and witticisms are a notorious challenge for any interpreter. Our friends Matthew the interpreter and Matthew the stand-up comedian talk about the matter. [Read more…]