A consecutive demo: Boudica
Test speech analysis: Boudica
Note-taking in consecutive interpreting. On the reconstruction of an individualised language.
Kurt Kohn & Michaela Albl- Mikasa.
2Kurt Kohn & Michaela Albl- Mikasa.
2[…] Para saber más sobre interpretación consecutiva: My Consecutive Kit […]
[…] on paper as soon as the latter has opened his mouth to utter the first sentence. So far, so good. One is ‘ranting’ and the other one is ‘doing art’ on paper. The difficult part begins when the speaker has stopped to save his breath and allow the interpreter […]
Brilliant post, really good and informative.
Esther, thank you for your comment about how little I scribble in each page. I totally owe that to my trainers at ULL. I remember three key comments from the early stages of note-taking:
1) Waste more paper (Meaning, don’t be afraid to open up your notes. Crunched up notes are hard to decipher under pressure).
2) Give yourself an extra second to analyze and choose the words that will allow you to refrmulate your idea.
3) Make sure you can understand your own handwriting!
Fantastic video, Lourdes! It is really very instructive to see another interpreter’s approach to note-taking! I was surprised to see how little she writes/draws in each page…
Best regards from Madrid
Gracias Lourdes por invitarme a colaborar en este vídeo.
Valiosa contribución a un tópico cada día más vigente que marca el “nombre y apellido” del intérprete. Un saludo desde Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Thank you, Lourdes, excellent videos, very clear and informative. It’s always fascinating to watch and analyse from close the work of another colleague, no better way to learn and improve one’s skills than by watching and listening. Something to be said for the old prentice system, so different from modern teaching.
Crystal-clear! High hat!
Es mejor tarde que nunca . este es el profesionalismo , es un ejemplo fantástico, mucha gracias.
Reblogged this on aleevisa's Blog and commented:
Hi, this is really great, thank you so much!
Is there a way to get the "colored table" Andy is referring to in his explanations? That would be super helpful as well!
Thank you!