17th June 2024 - Simultaneous interpreting with text
Very often conference interpreters will be presented with the text of, or a version of, the speech that is to be interpreted. The speaker may read the text verbatim, use it only as memory aid… go to full article
30th May 2024 - Jean Crépu: VINGT-QUATRE LANGUES, UNE EUROPE
Parmi tous les défis permanents que doit résoudre l’Union européenne (UE), celui de la langue est l’un des plus cruciaux. Avec vingt-quatre langues officielles, comment parler d’une même voix ? Au sein des institutions, chacun… go to full article
21st May 2024 - DGACM’s Speech Bank for Interpretation Training
The Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM) has launched a Speech Bank for Interpretation Training. The Speech Bank is now available to you! https://youtu.be/sx1OWBEK-lw Contributing to our Department’s succession planning endeavours, this initiative… go to full article
14th May 2024 - Adapting to change, preserving the essence?
At the end of a long career, a little over 35 years, as a staff interpreter at the European Institutions, I can say that working at SCIC has offered me a privileged vantage point from… go to full article
8th April 2024 - THE BRIDGE
The Bridge explores the labor conditions of being an interpreter while also being a refugee under the governance of humanitarian aid. Shot in Kakuma Refugee Camp, the film is based on research conducted by an… go to full article
3rd April 2024 - Interpreters: Travelling for Work
https://youtu.be/jqO7CYx_g7o Interpreters: Travelling for Work Pack light! Only a carry-on and a small backpack/purse. Check the weather. Multiple cities may mean different seasons. Sunny? Hat and sunglasses! Rainy? Cold? Hot? Best to wear layers. As… go to full article
7th March 2024 - Algunas pistas para candidatos a las pruebas de acceso a las listas de intérpretes freelance de las instituciones de la U.E.
https://youtu.be/Z7JxtueMgwo?si=RYj39a2Rf4yoWf5p go to full article
31st January 2024 - Lingüicismo o glotofobia: una discriminación invisibilizada
En 2016 el lingüista Philippe Blanchet acuñó el término “glotofobia” para referirse a la discriminación por motivos lingüísticos. En realidad lo que Blanchet llamó glotofobia ya lo había definido la lingüista finlandesa Tove Skuttnabb-Kangas en… go to full article
3rd November 2023 - My Consecutive kit: Chinese-English
But what does umami taste like? Note Symbols How do you quickly note down food ingredients and condiments? Whether you use English abbreviations, Chinese characters, or even simple sketches – that's great! If you can't… go to full article
18th September 2023 - Parler en public
https://youtu.be/JN87rXVyt-Q Conseils aux orateurs pour les réunions virtuelles avec interprétation simultanée ou consécutive: Branchez votre ordinateur en connexion filaire à l’aide d’un câble Ethernet. Une réunion en ligne avec interprétation demande une connexion stable qu’une… go to full article
18th July 2023 - Anja Rütten
Faszinierend, wie inspirierend es sein kann, wenn die richtige Person einem die richtigen Fragen stellt. Ein großes Dankeschön an die wunderbare Lourdes de Rioja für die Einladung zum Gespräch im März 2023 im schönen Brüssel.… go to full article
8th June 2023 - Interpreting at the Court of Justice of the European Union
https://youtu.be/VfZERVCh9Gc INTERVIEW DE LA DIRECTRICE DE L’INTERPRÉTATION, MME MARIE MUTTILAINEN (Article rédigé par la Direction de la Communication de la Cour de Justice de l´Union Européenne) La directrice de l’Interprétation, Mme Marie Muttilainen, a accepté… go to full article
9th May 2023 - AI kit for interpreters
https://youtu.be/yycm63PpgBU https://youtu.be/VlgT6FeUK4o The show must go on Does anybody know what we are looking for?Another hero, another mindless crimeBehind the curtain, in the pantomimeHold the lineDoes anybody want to take it anymore?F. Mercury Chatbots, also… go to full article
13th March 2023 - Ukrainian – suddenly centre stage
https://youtu.be/ggsEJixqiJA The war in Ukraine that started just over a year ago created a sudden demand for interpreters working into and from Ukrainian. In this short interview Ludmila Davis talks of her experience as a… go to full article
20th February 2023 - Speak “Client”
Did you know that we all have to add a new language to our language combination? And it has to be an active one. We all have to start to learn to speak “Client.” Let… go to full article
16th January 2023 - DeepL: ¿interpretación asistida?
Cuando Lourdes me propuso hacer un vídeo sobre DeepL, mi primera reacción fue decir: ‘Pero si no hay tema’. ¿Qué se podía decir sobre DeepL, salvo que es un invento estupendo y que solo tiene… go to full article
13th December 2022 - A grizzled veteran hangs up his headphones
John Swales is retiring from the profession after 42 years as a European Commission interpreter. https://youtu.be/EnGRFwYY8rA After reading French and German at Cambridge University he completed the Commission’s in-house interpreter training course and began his… go to full article
10th November 2022 - Ergonomics for interpreters
Interpreting sure is a heck of a profession. According to a mysterious study, it‘s apparently more stressful than being a fighter pilot. Interpreters also regularly get blamed for “misunderstandings”. And those of us who have… go to full article
12th October 2022 - Good sound, please
The RSI Sound Myth-Buster: Ten Misconceptions that Result in RSI Sounding Terrible “Better” is the enemy of good (Voltaire) True. Except when what you call “good” is harmful and “better” is well within reach. (Yours… go to full article
7th September 2022 - Interpreting Turkish
Dear Colleague, I have been told that you’d like to add Turkish to your language combination. Congratulations! That means you are at the beginning of a long, winding road. In the end lie the Mediterranean,… go to full article
18th July 2022 - False Friends Online Dictionary 2.0
Cuando hicimos este diccionario, hace unos años, nos quedamos bastante satisfechos con el resultado. Solo le veíamos un defecto, y es que no había manera de encontrarlo en internet. Muchos usuarios se quejaban de eso:… go to full article
13th July 2022 - Former Generation EU
https://youtu.be/Vj5YAD8cAmY Una generación de intérpretes que contribuyó decisivamente a poner los puntales de la cabina española del SCIC está diciendo adiós a la interpretación. Las primeras oleadas llegadas al Servicio Común de Interpretación de Conferencias… go to full article
14th June 2022 - My simultaneous kit ES-EN
In Matthew’s follow up to his ES>EN demo, he alludes to the fact that this wasn’t a "perfect rendition" of the source speech. He shares some of the factors that impacted his performance, including some… go to full article
6th May 2022 - AIIC today, Interactio tomorrow: catching up with Uroš Peterc
https://youtu.be/sprT8HvFqvE RSI is here to stay: Interview with Uroš Peterc Remote simultaneous interpretation is here to stay. Compared to the pre-pandemic world, independent market research company CSA Research now estimates a 14% growth in remote… go to full article
4th April 2022 - Interpreting Chinese
If you’ve ever considered adding a new language as you move along, or you’re simply interested in knowing more about the Chinese language and Chinese booth, here’s a quick read to get you started. https://youtu.be/7O7t8rAIfls… go to full article
8th February 2022 - Interpreting numbers
Current students of interpreting may be reassured to know that even seasoned conference interpreters find numbers difficult. In this video, Louise Jarvis, a freelance conference interpreter and trainer at the University of Bath, explains why… go to full article
28th December 2021 - Is domicile defunct?
Over the years I have seen developments in interpreting come and go, and there has always been the latest threat lurking around the corner. Blend our love of being the bearers of bad tidings with… go to full article
7th December 2021 - Xmas 2021…
Cuando Lourdes me propuso hacer la interpretación de una canción pop para su vídeo navideño de este año, le dije que sí sin dudarlo, y sin imaginar en lo que me metía - ¡yo que… go to full article
11th November 2021 - RSI: conversations with Ana
https://youtu.be/_ZkILB-fOh0 Draft checklist of questions one might ask when offered an interpretation assignment over the Internet (If you are considering working on RSI, you may find this AIIC document useful): Will the assignment involve: Interpretation… go to full article
14th October 2021 - Juanjo Puigcorbé: ¿qué es interpretar?
https://youtu.be/EvR2FFozSXU En “HAMLET”, la famosa obra de Shakespeare, el protagonista urde un plan para desenmascarar a su tío, un usurpador, asesino de su padre el rey legítimo. Para ello escribe una pieza de teatro que… go to full article
20th September 2021 - Interpreting Arabic
Have you ever toyed with the idea of adding Arabic to your language combination? During my interpreting career, I have only come across a handful of brave souls who ventured to learn Arabic and actually… go to full article
13th July 2021 - Should we close interpreting schools?
Interpreting schools – beyond their best before date? Working interpreters were already feeling the pinch when Covid-19 arrived, and they tended to think that one cause was the overproduction of newcomers by interpreting schools. People… go to full article
9th June 2021 - Multilingualism in the time of COVID
In March 2020, the European Parliament reacted very fast to the challenges to ensuring the continuity of multilingual parliamentary meetings brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. With social distancing rules and travel restrictions preventing Members… go to full article
20th May 2021 - What future for English in post-BREXIT Brussels?
Will EN remain a key language? Could it be displaced by another pivotal language eg FR? EN has certainly not disappeared; it is an official language in 2 member states: Ireland and Malta. Brexit has… go to full article
11th April 2021 - Meeting preparation in conference interpreting
Note: this video was recorded just a few weeks before covid happened, and even to me, it feels like a different planet, partly since it was in a context where meeting preparation could still be… go to full article
13th February 2021 - Note-taking in simultaneous interpretation
When you think of writing things down in simultaneous we usually think of writing down numbers or terms for our booth partner. But that is just one of the reasons to keep a pen and… go to full article
7th January 2021 - Artificial Intelligence and language
https://youtu.be/uxwiVzDyp14 https://youtu.be/jiYQ0MeT-_U ELITR - European Live Translator, an EU project on live speech translation and summarization: http://elitr.eu/ Simultaneous Translation: breakthrough and recent progress. Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) Liang HuangColin CherryMingbo MaNaveen ArivazhaganZhongjun… go to full article
11th December 2020 - Not really carol-singing
They say that creativity is ten per cent inspiration and 90% perspiration. When working with Lourdes de Rioja it is most certainly unreconstructed application because she runs a tight and tautly canvassed ship. Have you… go to full article
28th November 2020 - Is this the Right Door?
Over the years we’ve heard people from all walks of life complain about work, sometimes with good cause because they have an unreasonable boss, unsupportive colleagues or work in a dysfunctional organisation, and sometimes as… go to full article
24th September 2020 - My simultaneous kit: FR-EN
Dear conference interpreting students, Upon Lourdes de Rioja’s request, I have listened to Phil Smith’s interpretation of President Macron’s address at the UN and would like to share with you a few - hopefully inspiring… go to full article
22nd June 2020 - Consecutive demo: DE-EN
The speech: A nice, well-structured speech, on a well-known everyday topicA pretty long and pretty fast speaker with very clear elocution The interpretation: Excellent communication: the interpreter looks at the camera and only looks briefly… go to full article
8th June 2020 - RSI: A Canadian experience
You probably have heard about injuries suffered by Canadian interpreters since the end of March when Parliament started meeting virtually over Zoom after a short break due to the onset of the Covid-19 crisis (read… go to full article
14th May 2020 - Ciberseguridad en reuniones virtuales
Las reuniones virtuales van a ser una herramienta de uso diario para trabajar en entornos colaborativos, organizar comités de seguimiento o para poder resolver incidencias comunes. Las soluciones de videoconferencia o web conferencia hacen referencia… go to full article
7th May 2020 - RSI Considerations for Interpreters
With remote simultaneous interpreting taking center stage, what should you consider before offering this service? COVID-19 Conference interpreters are among the groups worst hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. With events cancelled and flights suspended, most… go to full article
18th January 2020 - Interpreting His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Sometimes its very improbability is what makes a story worth telling. Something that at first sounds like a fairy tale, turns out to be true. I’m about to tell you one such story, and like… go to full article
12th January 2020 - Michalina Ageros
Michalina Ageros is a French booth interpreter, with English and Polish as her B languages, and Portuguese as her C language. She is a member of AIIC, a conference interpreting lecturer at UK universities, and holds a PhD Diploma in Law.… go to full article
4th November 2019 - Hanging up the headset
As I get older and retirement looms the certainties of youth are now less clear cut. This talk considers retirement of interpreters who have always worked as freelances – I am not tackling the sensitive… go to full article
9th October 2019 - How your mindset influences your learning
When you set out to train as an interpreter, you expect to learn skills: note-taking, public speaking, simultaneous; maybe also research skills or IT skills. You probably don't expect to attend seminars on stress relief,… go to full article
2nd September 2019 - Consecutive without notes
Interpreting without taking notes, or from memory, is something that many interpreting students (and practising professionals!) find rather daunting. There are a number of reasons for this: many people are convinced they have a poor… go to full article
22nd July 2019 - El futuro de la interpretación de conferencias al español
Rafa Rodríguez, ex-intérprete del SCIC, nos cuenta cómo ha ido cambiando su trabajo de intérprete de conferencias en las Instituciones Europeas en los últimos treinta años y cómo pueden contribuir los intérpretes a que se… go to full article
8th July 2019 - Smart phone, smart interpreter
Alexander Drechsel (aka The Tablet Interpreter) shares eight smart phone tips for smart interpreters. Because your smartphone can do so much more than just make calls! https://youtu.be/zH6QtRU8Gbw Flashlight (00:48) Toggle iPhone flashlight with a Siri… go to full article
3rd June 2019 - My simultaneous kit DE EN: Bundestagsdebatte über Familienzusammenführungen
Neil Munro has interpreted at the European institutions for over four decades. Obviously during that period he has seen massive changes. However, one aspect remains unaltered - the particular challenge of interpreting in simultaneous from… go to full article
15th May 2019 - My consecutive kit DE-ES
En este ejercicio interpreté en modalidad consecutiva un discurso alemán de Alexander Drechsel, de una duración de 5:34 minutos. Mi prestación es de algo más de cuatro minutos; es decir, es más corta que el… go to full article
19th April 2019 - Managing your schedule
We live in the age of connectivity on multiple devices and the recruitment of interpreters is adapting to the new technological environment. Many organisations run their own web-calendar to track interpreter availability and offer work. … go to full article
6th April 2019 - Remote yet close
Remote Interpretation: Dystopian or Utopian? Remote interpreting is a general term describing oral translation where interpreters are not in the same location as the participants (audience, speakers) of an event. It can range from configurations… go to full article
17th March 2019 - Intonation & `SPEED´
In a groundbreaking new study, Cambridge researchers have mapped out the neurobiological basis of a key aspect of human communication: intonation. go to full article
12th March 2019 - Gachi
(Phil Smith on his partner Gachi de Luis who died on the Ethiopian flight that crashed on Sunday morning) Gachi de Luis and I were together for just over ten years, our relationship began not… go to full article
11th February 2019 - The Knowledge Centre on Interpretation
Knowledge Centre on Interpretation. What is it?The KCI is a web-based platform, which provides an all-in-one, dynamic, collaborative space for all those who practise or who are interested in interpretation.Open and free of charge to… go to full article
8th February 2019 - `Roma´, divididos por una lengua común
Recientemente se ha estrenado en España Roma, una maravillosa película de Alfonso Cuarón, realizada en México y hablada en español y mixteco. Nada más estrenarse, surgió una polémica en torno al hecho de que, en… go to full article
8th January 2019 - El maltés
My name is David and I work as a freelance interpreter of the Spanish booth in the European Union institutions. Today I am going to talk to you about Maltese, which is one of my… go to full article
17th November 2018 - True bilingualism
"Bilingual: Having, speaking, spoken or written in, two languages". With such a definition it is hardly surprising that the word is used to cover a multitude of very different things. Even in scientific literature it… go to full article
7th November 2018 - Virtual classes in training
Virtual Classes are special videoconferences where SCIC experienced staff interpreters and trainers provide training support to partner universities. Different training modules can be chosen by the universities on the basis of the Virtual training Menu;… go to full article
19th October 2018 - Interpreting Trump
Translation is the silent waiter of linguistic performance: It often gets noticed only when it knocks over the serving cart. Sometimes these are relatively minor errors — a ham-handed rendering of an author’s prose, the… go to full article
7th July 2018 - ¿Estudiar interpretación?
Decantarse por una profesión sin caminos trazados es a menudo un quebradero de cabeza. Ser intérprete de conferencias, o al menos aspirar a ello, significa ser capaz de gestionar no sólo la incertidumbre evidente que… go to full article
23rd June 2018 - Interpretar en el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea
The Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Rules of Procedure establish a strict set of rules governing the use of languages, based on the concept of ‘the language of… go to full article
5th June 2018 - The Interpreter: A Neutral Go-between?
The figure of the interpreter in conflict zones has existed since ancient times, making oral communication possible between speakers of different languages and facilitating understanding among differing cultures. It appears with no doubt that the… go to full article
29th April 2018 - Interpreting for the Vatican
Latin is known as a dead language, but is that actually true? A group of distinguished scholars, including the renowned German Latinist Wilfried Stroh, argue that Latin is far from dead –rather they claim it… go to full article
24th April 2018 - Tablet interpreting is serious fun!
Joking aside, if you want to improve your tablet interpreting skills, there’s an online course this June that fits the bill. Alexander is one of the trainers, along with Joshua Goldsmith, a freelance interpreter with extensive… go to full article
2nd April 2018 - Words at war: Protecting interpreters
The world cannot function without translators and interpreters: We help the public stay informed by interpreting for journalists; we keep everyone safe by translating terrorism chatter pulled from the airwaves; we assist with delivering humanitarian… go to full article
15th March 2018 - Technology In Interpreter Training
John Mayer is apparently a trend-setter among celebrities. The singer/guitarist reportedly dumped Katy Perry by email and Jennifer Aniston with a text message (recommendation: if you are dating John Mayer, hide his iPhone). And Taylor Swift is said… go to full article
5th March 2018 - Teaching Interpreting Online… Means Overcoming Misunderstandings
We made a unique decision when we were setting up the Master of Conference Interpreting on the Glendon Campus of York University, in Toronto, Canada. We decided to offer the first year of the program… go to full article
16th February 2018 - Tackling speed when interpreting
Every interpreter knows from experience that, all things being equal, a fast speaker is harder to interpret than one who delivers their speech at a normal pace... So, what is a budding conference interpreter to… go to full article
16th January 2018 - The future of conference interpretation
A millennial practice which emerged as a profession only in the twentieth century, interpreting has recently come into its own as a subject of academic study. This book introduces students, researchers and practitioners to the… go to full article
13th January 2018 - The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities, POLIS
The Polis Institute is an academic initiative of an international group of scholars and researchers specialized in linguistics and pedagogy, Classical and Near Eastern languages, history and ancient and medieval studies, who believe that languages… go to full article
27th November 2017 - Manage your breath to manage your stress
My name is Laura, and I'm professional conference interpreter and a yoga teacher. I have worked for 18 years for the European Commission (SCIC) and now I am concentrating on my yoga path. I know… go to full article
30th September 2017 - Interpreters in conflict zones
https://youtu.be/gJYKzkEGQrE [embed]https://youtu.be/gWZlAWYmOFI[/embed] https://youtu.be/SCT6qSr6tww Las palabras, en cualquier conflicto, no salen bien paradas. Son moldeadas, manipuladas, adaptadas e intercambiadas para alimentar uno u otro argumento, y los informadores debemos llevar al extremo el rigor… go to full article
6th September 2017 - Adiós Juan
Pocas veces he tenido la oportunidad de conocer a gente auténtica, con carisma suficiente para moverse por la vida con la elegancia y clase de los grandes. Gente con una apertura de miras superior a… go to full article
19th June 2017 - The pure customer
https://youtu.be/AGrITRZgYPM Neil Munro has spent his entire professional career working as an interpreter at the European institutions and has acquired extensive experience of testing - initially as a victim (or should that be as a… go to full article
25th May 2017 - The million
Challenges sometimes turn out as unpredictable adventures, and A Word In Your Ear has certainly done that. When I started this blog no-one thought the idea was worth a cent. “Interpretation is not an interesting… go to full article
12th May 2017 - Resetting our ways
https://youtu.be/kmI90i6GATs Resetting our ways The video accompanying this text was recorded some time ago and on reviewing it I realised that it contained questions but few answers. Interpreting is changing but what can we… go to full article
20th April 2017 - Interpreters and competition law
https://youtu.be/yKPhFH9lSr0 Trustbusters Busted: Freelance Interpreters Affirm Working Conditions/Bargaining Rights By Luigi Luccarelli Note: This article originally appeared in The Guild Reporter, a publication of The Newspaper Guild - Communication Workers of America, in 1996. The… go to full article
5th March 2017 - Looking back and looking forward
https://youtu.be/2WlBwK8dzAQ Christopher Thiéry (Oxford, 1927) A : Anglais, Français De mère irlandaise et de père français, Christopher Thiéry a fait toute sa scolarité, du jardin d'enfants au baccalauréat, au Lycée Français de Londres. Après cinq années… go to full article
25th January 2017 - Symbols: dos and don’ts
https://youtu.be/tFvXuZfkx8o When note-taking for consecutive interpreting is mentioned the first thing that student interpreters ask about are symbols. And although it is true that knowing a reasonable number of very useful symbols can make our… go to full article
4th January 2017 - My simultaneous Kit DE-ES
https://youtu.be/xqZq0S7q-OM [embed]https://youtu.be/dtXHS0iz6IA[/embed] Edward Snowden Asyl gewähren Sondersitzung des Bundestages zu den Abhöraktivitäten der NSA und den Auswirkungen auf Deutschland und die transatlantischen Beziehungen Frau Präsidentin! Auch von uns alle guten Wünsche für Sie. Meine Damen… go to full article
14th November 2016 - Language enhancement exercises for conference interpreters
https://youtu.be/sIngThw913A "At advanced levels, where grammar has been more or less mastered, the main difference between foreign students and native speakers is that the latter have been exposed to their language for many years, over… go to full article
14th November 2016 - Intérprete 4.0
La interpretación de conferencias está rodeada de cierta nostalgia; como toda disciplina moderna cuyos orígenes se remontan a un puñado de generaciones, tiende a obsesionarse con su pasado, con aquellos momentos históricos en los que el intérprete… go to full article
15th September 2016 - I WISH I’D KNOWN…
https://youtu.be/BdmSGdrFTy8 After reading Modern Languages at Oxford, and training as a conference interpreter at the European Commission, Frances Calder has worked successfully on the institutional and private markets for forty years, and counting. In this… go to full article
13th September 2016 - Le plaisir comme moteur et facteur de réussite
https://youtu.be/MNOfh-CvZhw Les études d’interprétation sont des études enrichissantes mais exigeantes au cours desquelles l’étudiant, comme plus tard l’interprète, s’expose. Il y apprend à exercer son art en direct et sans filet, si ce n’est celui… go to full article
6th September 2016 - InterpretimeBank
https://youtu.be/sQbXMz9d7zc InterpretimeBank InterpretimeBank is an online community for professional interpreters and interpreting students. It was created in August 2014 by a group of former classmates who wanted to create a network of professional interpreters working worldwide, to foster… go to full article
18th July 2016 - AIIC Conversations
https://youtu.be/eB1EaywHh_c?list=PLbkpBEuKxJ8nezAEaBDDEQnOP8V-16k4O AIIC presents CONVERSATIONS – a series of talks among conference interpreters about their profession and craft. Created by Lourdes de Rioja and Luigi Luccarelli with AIIC coordination and support by Gisèle Abazon, CONVERSATIONS will… go to full article
12th July 2016 - Tipografía: la voz escrita
https://youtu.be/tOTCBa71HtI Pedro Arilla Cortés es diseñador gráfico especializado en el diseño de tipografías. Graduado en Diseño Gráfico por la Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón. Diseñador de tipos en ‘Tipotecture’, su fundición tipográfica donde… go to full article
30th May 2016 - Franz PÖCHHACKER: A conversation about research on conference interpreting
https://youtu.be/Dfyu9nWctaU (We also include in this post a review of a seminar recently conducted by Franz Pöchhacker in Rome in January this year) : Conference Interpreting: WHAT WE KNOW - A REVIEW Published by Northern California Translators… go to full article
3rd May 2016 - Intonation in simultaneous interpreting
https://youtu.be/rXmR-GLcHuo "Intonation is not a luxury. It’s a crucial part of communicating well. Getting it wrong in languages with little or no verb conjugation or noun declension (like English) can lead to being understood… go to full article
19th March 2016 - Renée VAN HOOF-HAFERKAMP
https://youtu.be/0BDEtGPfmc0 Renée HAFERKAMP is a graduate from Brussels and Geneva University (Philosophie et Lettres). She is a former director general of the European Commission, and has participated in all the important milestones of the European… go to full article
15th March 2016 - SCICtrain 3
https://youtu.be/8GDBGCoWNbk This year was a very special year for the annual SCIC Universities Conference, as we were celebrating its 20th edition! The title of the conference was The conference aimed to address the fact that both… go to full article
5th February 2016 - Interpreting Latin into Anglo-Saxon
https://youtu.be/PtlHonQKmTg Germanic & Latinate Equivalents in the English Language <img class="alignnone wp-image-2678 size-large" src="/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/captura-de-pantalla-2016-02-05-a-las-12-41-43-2.png?w=652" alt="Captura de pantalla 2016-02-05 a las 12.41.43" width="652" height="734" /> Source: https://www.csun.edu/science/ref/language/german-latin-english.html go to full article
7th January 2016 - Great iOS 9 features for interpreters (and translators)
https://youtu.be/RKxqt12UI6I In late 2015, Apple have released a new version of their operating system for iPhones and iPads: iOS 9. Why should you care? You'll find out in this video. iOS 9 works on all… go to full article
2nd December 2015 - Telephone interpreting: a reality that is here to stay
https://youtu.be/ItYballx_3M Telephone interpreting (TI) is a type of remote interpreting carried out over the phone. In recent decades it has become a growing business and a useful way of providing language assistance, both in public services and… go to full article
4th November 2015 - Interpretation in the non-institution sector – is there a future?
https://youtu.be/S9C1KuPwKuc There is plenty of information about interpreting for international organizations but it is not quite so straightforward for the private market because each region is different. Here Peter Sand – an experienced interpreter and… go to full article
13th October 2015 - Analysis exercises for consecutive interpreting
https://youtu.be/mSqw3e1ddM0 'Analysis' is often cited as one of the most important skills in consecutive interpreting but it's one that is less often practised in isolation. In this film Andrew Gillies suggests 3 exercises aimed at… go to full article
11th September 2015 - PREMIO NACIONAL DE TRADUCCIÓN 2014
https://youtu.be/dQpuZTtTrjk Antón Vialle, un dos tradutores do 'Ulises' [Entrevista publicada en REAL ACADEMIA GALEGA] O pasado 4 de novembro, o Ministerio de Cultura concedeulle o Premio Nacional de Tradución á versión en galego do Ulysses,… go to full article
2nd September 2015 - Comunicación no verbal
https://youtu.be/FgIReO9mSWw https://youtu.be/jabpJOf-QXU El coaching asistido con caballos favorece la integración cuerpo - mente, permitiendo controlar el estrés y las emociones, asentar la autoridad y mejorar la comunicación. Es importante precisar que no son necesarios conocimientos… go to full article
23rd June 2015 - Claude DURAND, a life dedicated to interpreting
https://youtu.be/SUTso4qaEmE If I remember well in which mood I was in June 1974 after I passed my final exam at ESIT in Paris, I felt a sigh of relief at the thought that I had… go to full article
10th June 2015 - False Friends
https://youtu.be/p-KQLm8QiZM http://www.falsefriends.eu English is the least Germanic of the Germanic languages; about half its vocabulary is of Latin origin. Logically enough, when we come across one of these English words with a Latin root, we… go to full article
27th May 2015 - AIIC Frequently Asked Questions
https://youtu.be/VfubHYJo2_c Over seventy years ago interpreting found itself at a crossroad. Technological progress allowed for a substantial change in the way interpreters carried out their work and simultaneous interpreting was born. And with it, new… go to full article
27th March 2015 - SCICtrain 2
https://youtu.be/tAYPK9TKbxQ The 19th Annual SCIC-Universities Conference took place in Brussels on 26th and 27th March 2015 on the theme “(Re-)Making connections”. The world of Interpreting is evolving and all of us, universities and institutional employers… go to full article
3rd March 2015 - CONSEC DEMO EN-FR: Plaisir du soleil?
https://youtu.be/RKrP29uwilw https://youtu.be/5mhh5lbqXgQ Hi Felix. First of all, congratulations for accepting to take part in this public exercise. This is certainly good practice for stress management and an excellent preparation for exams or tests ! Then… go to full article
3rd March 2015 - Innovate in education
https://youtu.be/_TV2cPxl4XE How online education can create a 'global classroom' By Daphne Koller, Special to CNN Around the world, and in developing nations especially, there is an overwhelming demand for higher education. Despite worldwide increases in… go to full article
16th February 2015 - Why consecutive learning is important?
https://youtu.be/FSx359FapzU "Although I’m retired from the Commission now I still do a bit of training now and again and I sometimes get asked why students of conference interpreting on university interpretation courses spend so much… go to full article
24th January 2015 - ¿Cómo preparar una reunión?
https://youtu.be/RQ7Wf_SGeGA Quiero dar las gracias a Lourdes por invitarme a hacer una pausa y ordenar mis ideas en torno a un tema que se ha convertido en uno de mis quehaceres durante los últimos 10… go to full article
11th January 2015 - Workshop on Interpreting Skills Exchange: WISE
https://youtu.be/mfrBlind_HY WISE (Workshop on Interpreting Skills Exchange) is an intensive practice workshop which operates on a mutually beneficial basis, relying upon the goodwill of those taking part. This means that as a participant, you will… go to full article
10th December 2014 - Jordi FERRER, UNTRANS
https://youtu.be/cZIfgoUKcUc Untranslatable? That is not possible! There is no such thing as an untranslatable word, anything that can be thought can be expressed. Anything that can be properly expressed can be translated into another language.… go to full article
22nd October 2014 - Chuchotage/ Whispering
https://youtu.be/QLT_rZIQCkw The Interpreter's Functions and Duties Defined The interpreter's escort duties are many and varied and cannot be fully covered in this brief manual. The following paragraphs, however, attempt to set forth the basic principles… go to full article
22nd October 2014 - La interpretación judicial en España
https://youtu.be/VYb3qgAJ4YY En el tiempo transcurrido desde la grabación de este vídeo han tenido lugar algunos acontecimientos que hacen vislumbrar algunos cambios en la configuración de la profesión de intérprete judicial y policial en España. Sin… go to full article
20th October 2014 - The Tablet Interpreter’s App Charts
https://youtu.be/_VjhSpACTk4 Lourdes and I want to show you a collection of my favourite apps for interpreters. Most of them are iPad apps, but some of them are also available for other platforms. Some are free,… go to full article
9th September 2014 - Ivana ČEŇKOVÁ, conference interpreting before and after the Velvet Revolution
https://youtu.be/W8uXCykc5qs European Masters in Conference Interpreting EMCI Core Curriculum Contents Preamble Aims of the Programme Core Curriculum Course structure and workload Admission to the programme The final examinations Mobility Joint programmes 1. Preamble In early… go to full article
6th September 2014 - RETOUR DEMO DE EN: Die Bahnstadt
https://youtu.be/zK_WU0TRGEk [youtube=http://youtu.be/eCHeWYG1nyw] "Notetaking is a very individual technique. I think it is strongly related to the way the individual interpreter processes information. Most interpreters note down lots of facts, numbers etc. This approach bears the… go to full article
5th September 2014 - Education Online
http://elpais.com/elpais/2014/09/04/opinion/1409846230_747049.html go to full article
19th August 2014 - Albert BOADELLA, sobre lengua y política
https://youtu.be/iWtIq9vyb84 " ... Ciertamente, podría haberme ahorrado adversarios tan directos que muy posiblemente lo serán de por vida. Estos y muchos otros. Cuando observo que la casi totalidad de mis colegas de la farándula están… go to full article
2nd June 2014 - Erik HERTOG, Interpreters in conflict zone
https://youtu.be/QB4Ddey2JuU Conflict Zone Field Guide for Civilian Translators/Interpreters and Users of Their Services Translators/Interpreters (T/Is) contracted to work in conflict zones are often non-professional linguists yet play a key role in communications. Operating in high-risk environments,… go to full article
12th May 2014 - Interpreting Michelle OBAMA
https://youtu.be/lpUtVn1jfGM MAKING OF: "Quiero pensar que ésta no es mi mejor simultánea :-). En este caso el reto era enfrentarse a un discurso desconocido, interpretándolo sin texto y sin preparación alguna: es decir, una situación… go to full article
21st April 2014 - José OVEJERO, sobre interpretación
https://youtu.be/ywt8Ct3LMFE Última llamada (Yoff, Senegal / Berlín, Alemania) Sabe que debería haber dicho que no. Sólo le quedan tres días de vacaciones y, si ha aguantado ocho sola, bien podría soportar otros tres. Además, ya… go to full article
25th March 2014 - SCICtrain
https://youtu.be/6mwBmkhQ4g8 SCICtrain – a new virtual video library on conference interpreter training On 28th March, the second day of the annual SCIC-Universities conference, and as a follow-up to the SCiCLOUD initiative announced exactly a year… go to full article
5th March 2014 - José Antonio PASCUAL, los males de la lengua
https://youtu.be/v3mo-eXp--I <a href="/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/el-dardo-en-lo-estentocc81reo-josecc81-antonio-pascual-2-2.jpg"> José Antonio Pascual Rodríguez es catedrático de lengua española, lingüista y vicedirector de la Real Academia Española. go to full article
10th February 2014 - Elisabet TISELIUS, Interpreting Research
https://youtu.be/CMb8M38vavI Can you really do research on interpreting? You are not the only interpreter colleague who has asked me that question. When I enthusiastically start explaining what has been done and what can be done,… go to full article
22nd January 2014 - Arcadi ESPADA, sobre lenguas y revanchas
https://youtu.be/GY2FaOzCbmA En el principio fue la Mirada y luego el Verbo No conozco a nadie que haya elegido su lengua. Alguno habrá, desde luego, porque el vicio es vasto; pero no tengo ninguna noticia, ni… go to full article
9th January 2014 - Interpreters, 1968.
Alguna vez, rara vez, me encuentro alguna perla en el camino. Esta obra, del cineasta belga André DELVAUX, es una de esas ocasiones. Imposible no compartirlo.. https://youtu.be/Zqb8DX70dwk go to full article
4th December 2013 - Perfidious English?
https://youtu.be/f20RFQZ2n14 Over the years, the European institutions have developed a vocabulary that differs from that of any recognised form of English. It includes words that do not exist or are relatively unknown to native English… go to full article
10th November 2013 - iPad interpreter
https://youtu.be/qk3RNDGpe0Y A day in the life… of a tablet interpreter. A slightly exaggerated account. My electronic wristband wakes me up again. With gentle vibrations, it pulls me away from the warm beach of what I… go to full article
4th November 2013 - My simultaneous kit
BEST OF: "España ha dejado de ser católica" https://youtu.be/pTmJt2M4Juo MAKING OF: "España ha dejado de ser católica" https://youtu.be/83aXIuG1UKc PREPARATION: "España ha dejado de ser católica" https://youtu.be/nnto66zeMik Don't start speaking until you know you can complete… go to full article
21st October 2013 - Marco BENEDETTI: What´s interpreting?
https://youtu.be/_P43YL-3NKA Unity in diversity: languages for mobility, jobs and active citizenship "Signore e signori, che questa conferenza sull’unità nella diversità europea si tenga qui a Vilnius in occasione della giornata delle lingue, è una felice… go to full article
8th October 2013 - Simultaneous interpretation advanced
https://youtu.be/P1g3geJE7LE CONFERENCE INTERPRETING by Andrew Gillies A Student’s Practice Book. Conference Interpreting: A Student’s Practice Book brings together a comprehensive compilation of tried and tested practical exercises which hone the sub-skills that make up successful… go to full article
25th September 2013 - Albert BOADELLA, sobre interpretación
https://youtu.be/Gthu8tgiK1k ...“ La primera fase de aproximación al esclarecimiento de una obra es semejante a la forma como el inspector Maigret, creado por Simenon, se acerca cautelosamente y sin prisas al esclarecimiento de un crimen.… go to full article
4th September 2013 - Garbled ramblings on a life of clear speaking
https://youtu.be/rTm1-h00FPk One of the questions I was asked when I said I was retiring was: “And would you do it all again, if you were starting out now?” One of those questions it’s impossible to… go to full article
18th July 2013 - The importance of team work
https://youtu.be/0qkK0etH1Jk The One Design Tactician Everyone knows the names of the best skippers in the fleet by reading the race results at the end of the regatta. But not everyone knows the name of the… go to full article
11th July 2013 - Streaming e interpretación
https://youtu.be/4UzC0W7AGMY Information and Communication Technologies in Interpreting –Remote and Telephone Interpreting Introduction The development of new information and communication technologies has made an impact on the field of professional interpreting. New tools have made borderless … go to full article
10th June 2013 - Galimatías europeo
https://youtu.be/6TYDAik4YCs El galimatías europeo FRANCISCO SOSA WAGNER El autor cree que el complejo lenguaje de la UE aleja al ciudadano de las instituciones. Piensa que la crisis está acelerando la descomposición de los instrumentos jurídicos.… go to full article
5th June 2013 - The A B C of Retour
https://youtu.be/Fuzztez8dtE Directionality in Interpreting. The 'Retour' or the Native? Godijns, R. and M. Hinderdael (eds.) (2005). Gent: Communication and Cognition. The question of directionality in conference interpreting, i.e. whether interpreters should interpret only into their… go to full article
19th May 2013 - What’s interpreting?
https://youtu.be/CjwwWECF1ms https://youtu.be/2iCn4t-fVfs LA INTERPRETACIÓN EN LA DANZA. Les presentamos un resumen del trabajo de investigación que empezó el año 2001 y que culminó con la lectura de nuestra tesis doctoral en 2010. Queremos dar a… go to full article
18th May 2013 - My consecutive kit
https://youtu.be/MZ1njwZOR0w A consecutive demo: Boudica https://youtu.be/Cz3fjAX5Meg Test speech analysis: Boudica https://youtu.be/N0BhNG4Xf2M Note-taking in consecutive interpreting. On the reconstruction of an individualised language. Kurt Kohn & Michaela Albl- Mikasa. go to full article
7th May 2013 - Interpreting at the Council of Europe
https://youtu.be/DH38fOBu1m0 THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE IN A NUTSHELL: Source: Treaty Office Directorate of Legal Advice and Public International Law Council of Europe. go to full article
24th April 2013 - The issue of “QUALITY”
https://youtu.be/A3xxKK7srzg INTERPRETING QUALITY: GLOBAL PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS? Franz Pöchhacker, University of Vienna. Published in: Ren W. (ed.), Interpreting in the Age of Globalization: Proceedings of the 8th National Conference and International Forum on Interpreting (pp. 305-318)… go to full article
10th April 2013 - Eduardo MENDOZA, sobre bilingüismo
https://youtu.be/KbzlDOPmtd8 Lifelong Bilingualism Maintains Neural Efficiency for Cognitive Control in Aging Brian T. Gold, Chobok Kim, Nathan F. Johnson, Richard J. Kryscio and Charles D. Smith Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and… go to full article
22nd March 2013 - Speechpool
https://youtu.be/kb6F-Q0gzGc More info about this project in the great interview originally published in The Interpreter Diaries to Sophie Llewellyn Smith: It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s... Speechpool! If you’ve been following the SCIC Universities… go to full article
7th March 2013 - English is enough, right?
https://youtu.be/4HgK58L2OKI “The internationalisation of English has begun to provoke a two-fold enervation. In many societies, imported English, with its necessarily synthetic, ‘pre-packaged’ semantic field, is eroding the autonomy of the native language-culture. Intentionally or not,… go to full article
26th February 2013 - Félix DE AZÚA, sobre lengua, educación y política.
https://youtu.be/rDbCUbdHQkU UN TIEMPO PARA RESISTIR Y OTRO PARA RECORDAR Todos los recién nacidos crecen en un mundo que se acaba de crear para ellos, un abigarrado paraíso sin serpiente. En cuanto tienen un mínimo uso… go to full article
12th February 2013 - High-level Interpretation
https://youtu.be/zoGPJ15v3q8 Dick FLEMING, former EU staff interpreter, reminisces about some of the high-level EU meetings he interpreted at during the 1980s and 1990s, work which was sometimes tough, often fascinating and- with hindsight- immensely rewarding.… go to full article
29th January 2013 - Eduardo MENDOZA, sobre interpretación
https://youtu.be/Xv7K7L0RGaA LA TRADUCCIÓN Y SUS DESCONTENTOS He elegido el título de «La traducción y sus descontentos» por razones que me gustaría explicar y que son menos banales de lo que a primera vista puede parecer.… go to full article
23rd January 2013 - F. XAVIER VILA: language problems in Catalonia?
https://youtu.be/REQUAFgKfGE Un nou conflicte per saber qui mana A finals del 2012 s’ha encetat a Espanya un nou capítol de la lluita centenària per veure com s’organitza la seva coexistència lingüística. Pocs dies després de… go to full article
14th January 2013 - A consecutive demo: los locávoros
https://youtu.be/tyRQroSubPQ THE MAKING OF: Gemma and I are both interpreters and we were asked to do a speech and consecutive for you to show you just one example of how an interpreter's consecutive notes are… go to full article
8th January 2013 - Interpreting
https://youtu.be/FAApccf11hs https://youtu.be/okkfKY8RDwE go to full article
26th December 2012 - Alumnos en fuego cruzado
https://youtu.be/XMFAQ3Sn1Hg El ministro de Educación, José Ignacio Wert, ha dicho recientemente en el Congreso que quiere españolizar a los alumnos catalanes. Por su parte, la consellera de Educación, Irene Rigau, dijo en un acto público… go to full article
10th December 2012 - European Commissioner Vassiliou, about languages and interpretation.
https://youtu.be/FLEcdlt04f4 "Ladies and gentlemen, This is an important moment for languages in Europe. As we continue our celebration of the European Day of Languages, we have one eye on the past and one on the… go to full article
23rd November 2012 - Cristóbal OSUNA: Trabajar en Naciones Unidas
https://youtu.be/9MFjO84n1iE Cristóbal OSUNA is Head of the Spanish Unit, Interpretation Services, United Nations, Geneva. The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining… go to full article
11th November 2012 - Félix OVEJERO: La identidad inventada
https://youtu.be/aj4i0Drbirw Cuando caminamos por un bosque buscamos aquella senda que otros han transitado antes que nosotros. Puede que existan diversos caminos desbrozados, pero, si queremos llegar a nuestro destino con rapidez, escogemos el hollado por… go to full article
30th October 2012 - Interpreting Martin Luther King
https://youtu.be/WCovyUcwmMo PUBLIC SPEAKING: Let nothing happen by accident! Let everything happen by design! The development of an ability to present not only information but an understanding of the image that is created by any presentation… go to full article
18th October 2012 - La política lingüística como base de la independencia
https://youtu.be/u2gVL8rAczI Lengua y corrección política Hace tan sólo dos días Miquel Roca Junyent publicó en estas mismas páginas un estupendo artículo en el que ponía de relieve el miedo a manifestarse públicamente en contra o… go to full article
3rd October 2012 - Poder aprender
https://youtu.be/a9tLVKfsBVA La buena selección es una de las claves del éxito en la formación en interpretación. No resulta un ejercicio fácil: muchos alumnos presentan un potencial lingüístico sólido, un bagaje cultural extenso o la madurez… go to full article
19th September 2012 - Interpreter’s mid-career crisis
https://youtu.be/kIW3BKVdG2U “In order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are needed: they must be fit for it; they must not do too much of it; and they must have a… go to full article
5th September 2012 - Ana ALVARGONZÁLEZ: Versión Original
https://youtu.be/-7gBMwY0JHo La mejor forma de acompañar este fantástico vídeo a mi amiga Ana es la entrevista que os copio a continuación publicada en la Contra de la <a title="La Vanguardia" href="http://www.lavanguardia.com/lacontra/20111205/54239844898/augusto-m-torres-subvencionar-los-doblajes-es-subvencionar-la-ignorancia.html">La Vanguardia a Augusto M.… go to full article
28th August 2012 - En català al Parlament Europeu
https://youtu.be/lbwIc-FyV5E Admeto que aconseguir que el català esdevingui llengua normal al Parlament Europeu ha estat gairebé una obsessió en els vuit anys que porto treballant en aquesta institució. Confesso que, quan vaig arribar-hi, l’any 2004,… go to full article
13th July 2012 - Interpreting Steve JOBS
https://youtu.be/ItB7j1iqjRg LA PREPARACIÓN: Para interpretar el discurso de Steve Jobs en la ceremonia de Stanford, recibí un mail con un enlace a la página de la universidad, concretamente a la transcripción del discurso. Por lo… go to full article
5th July 2012 - Aurelio ARTETA: contra una injusta política lingüística
https://youtu.be/NQ5UAnSnzoA http://youtu.be/ZYOOuHu-uQ8 Una de las necedades mayores en política lingüística es sostener que no hay que politizar la lengua. En primer lugar, porque las políticas lingüísticas referidas a las lenguas minoritarias en España (catalán, euskera… go to full article
28th June 2012 - Linda FITCHETT, President of AIIC
https://youtu.be/jiMZg68RpS4 AIIC is the only global association of conference interpreters. Since the very early days of modern conference interpreting, AIIC has promoted high standards of quality and ethics in the profession and represented the interests… go to full article
20th June 2012 - Enrique DANS, sobre lenguas e Internet
https://youtu.be/vT2MpbfLyV4 Se hablan en el mundo unas 6.000 lenguas, la mitad de ellas concentradas en ocho países: Papua Nueva Guinea (832), Indonesia (731), Nigeria (515), India (400), Méjico (295), Camerún (286), Australia (268) y Brasil… go to full article
14th June 2012 - Normas de etiqueta para intérpretes de conferencias
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMbfFuvs1TY&w=853&h=480 Mónica nos da algunos consejos sobre cómo vestirse para trabajar como intérprete, o para ir a un examen de interpretación. En este vídeo escucharéis ideas sobre qué ponerse, o no, en un contexto profesional.… go to full article
8th June 2012 - NEW BLOG: A WORD IN YOUR EAR
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnFqqRlwjtI&w=853&h=480 Enrique Dans me aconsejó hace unos meses crear un blog con todo mi material. La verdad es que la simple idea de volcar todo el material de los últimos dos años en una nueva… go to full article
3rd June 2012 - GALWAY
https://youtu.be/oiWOhLmvSgY?hd=1 This programme is the only one of its kind in Ireland and it aims to provide students with the necessary skills and qualifications required to become a conference interpreter. Training is provided by conference… go to full article
31st May 2012 - EUTISC
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qlQ5D5fmFQ&w=640&h=360 Danielle talks about EUTISC, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. Danielle nos habla del EUTISC de la Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife. http://webpages.ull.es/users/experto/ [youtube=http://youtu.be/qmY93_pEjNM] Marlene nos habla del EUTISC de la Universidad de La… go to full article
24th May 2012 - El húngaro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RK0M0-7J5g&w=640&h=360 Carlos nos habla de una de las nuevas lenguas de la UE: el húngaro. Carlos talks about one of the new EU languages - Hungarian. Anotación personal: Es admirable la cantidad de jóvenes intérpretes… go to full article
19th May 2012 - Lourdes de Rioja para Bootheando
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQyLsaurmqk&w=853&h=480 Hace unos meses quedamos Clara, BOOTHEANDO, y yo en Zaragoza, el resultado de dicho encuentro es este vídeo filmado y producido por ella. Esperamos que os guste. go to full article
10th May 2012 - Lourdes de Rioja for Interpreting for Europe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKdJ75NAjUM&w=853&h=480 Es innegable el papel que páginas como Interpreting for Europe o Interpreting the World tienen en la divulgación de nuestra profesión y en la creación de una red de contenidos. Este vídeo, filmado en… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Las clases virtuales
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_kYm1NmfQ8&w=560&h=315 In this video, in Spanish, English, French and German, we demonstrate how new technologies can be employed in conference interpreter training. (This video was taken during a MIC virtual class: La Laguna --SCIC: Brussels… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Fernando SAVATER, sobre lenguas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sMqaBYAblo&w=560&h=315 Reflexionamos con Fernando Savater sobre lenguas, traducción e interpretación. Fernando Savater discusses languages, translation and interpretation. go to full article
10th May 2012 - Marco BENEDETTI, Director General of DG Interpretation, European Commission
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTyoMzl4axk&w=560&h=315 Marco Benedetti, Director General of the DG Interpretation in the European Commission (SCIC), shares his experience and his beginnings as interpreter and Head of his Service. Marco Benedetti, Director General de la Interpretación de… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Channel your nerves
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mueO2XdMU8&w=560&h=315 Helen talks about how to win the battle with nerves. Helen nos habla sobre cómo aprender a controlar los nervios. go to full article
10th May 2012 - Interpreting jokes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Gjf_RfhHpE&w=560&h=315 Jokes and witticisms are a notorious challenge for any interpreter. Our friends Matthew the interpreter and Matthew the stand-up comedian talk about the matter. Uno de los grandes retos para cualquier intérprete es el… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Videoconferencia e interpretación
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNO0SUNPTF4&w=560&h=315 Pepe, antiguo jefe de la unidad Tecnología de Conferencia, Dirección General de la Interpretación, DG INTERPRETACIÓN, CE, nos habla de la videoconferencia, sus ventajas e inconvenientes. Pepe, former Head of Unit Conference Technology, General… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Le candidat idéal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYyy4u40jEc&w=560&h=315 Claude Durand, chef de l´Unité Multilinguisme et Assistance à la Formation d'interprètes, DG SCIC, CE, nous parle des qualités requises pour qu'un candidat réussisse un test d'interprétation; il nous décrit le profil du candidat… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Bloody Mary
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfHHZIz9NGE&w=560&h=315 At El Pla Restaurant in Barcelona, Catherine provides Catalan into English whispered interpretation of the owner describing a mouthwatering recipe. Now for dessert - an unusual Bloody Mary! Catherine, en el Restaurante El Pla… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Rap ” Thai” a 60ºC, tallarines vegetals, i frescor de poma.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaRMlIf94wo&w=560&h=315 At El Pla Restaurant in Barcelona, Catherine provides Catalan into English whispered interpretation of the owner describing a mouthwatering recipe! Catherine, en el Restaurante El Pla de Barcelona, nos hace una interpretación susurrada del… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Sopa de coliflor i api-rave, cintes de calamar saltejat, pera i un toc de llima i fonoll.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Rsn1_ZU9ig&w=560&h=315 At El Pla Restaurant in Barcelona, Catherine provides Catalan into English whispered interpretation of the owner describing a mouthwatering recipe! Catherine, en el Restaurante El Pla de Barcelona, nos hace una interpretación susurrada de… go to full article
10th May 2012 - ORCIT
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0KRYN-g6ME&w=560&h=315 Matthew nos explica qué es ORCIT. Matthew describes what ORCIT is. http://www.orcit.eu/ go to full article
10th May 2012 - The Speech Repository
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYkptO2cZv0&w=560&h=315 Katerina explains what the Speech Repository is. Katerina nos explica qué es el Speech Repository. go to full article
10th May 2012 - El esperanto
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9qZlnQyTKA&w=560&h=315 Jorge nos habla del Esperanto y su dinamismo. Jorge parolas al ni pri Esperanto kaj pri la dinamikeco de tiu lingvo. go to full article
10th May 2012 - Ejercicio de relajación
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRUaKIq8cVs&w=560&h=315 La tensión y el estrés son habituales en el trabajo del intérprete de conferencias. Montse nos explica algunos ejercicios sencillos, que podemos hacer incluso en cabina, para relajarnos y descargar esas tensiones. Tension and… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Languages, yes please!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jH0PuazdtQ&w=560&h=315 En estos tiempos en los que el aprendizaje del inglés se impone al de cualquier otra lengua, Thomas nos explica la importancia de aprender otros idiomas y el enriquecimiento cultural que esto supone. Although… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Translation and interpretation: the same?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7m-Agn4LtE&w=560&h=315 Thomas describes how translators and interpreters work and discusses the similarities and differences. Thomas nos habla del trabajo del traductor y del intérprete, explicándonos las similitudes y diferencias entre estas dos disciplinas. go to full article
10th May 2012 - Interpretación simultánea DE-ES
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_tLrN504XQ&w=560&h=315 Escuchamos a Patricia hacer traducción simultánea del alemán al español. Nuestra forma de mostrar la complejidad de la simultánea entre dos lenguas tan diferentes. Wir hören Patricia beim dolmetschen einer formalen Rede aus dem… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Los tests
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3iw8iKQR80&w=560&h=315 Rafa nos cuenta cómo llegó a esta profesión y nos da algunos consejos para los tests de acreditación. Rafa explains how he came to this profession and gives a few tips on passing accreditation… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Problemas en los tests
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59_PHiOgw8A&w=560&h=315 Bernabé nos habla de los tests dándonos algunas pistas sobre cómo afrontarlos, qué se espera de un candidato, señalando algunos problemas frecuentes. Bernabé discusses interpreting tests and what is expected of candidates, shares a… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Interpretar en el Tribunal de Justicia de la UE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_d5xKAWAlE&w=560&h=315 Marina nos explica los entresijos, características y dificultades de trabajar en el Tribunal de la UE. Marina talks about the ins and outs and the challenges of working at the EU Court of Justice.… go to full article
10th May 2012 - United Nations, A Day in the Life of Real Interpreters
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUuliWL4LyI&w=560&h=315 "A Day in the Life of Real Interpreters" by director Sydney Pollack is an interesting look at the challenges of simultaneous interpretation, explained by Diana Liao, Chief of the Interpretation Service at the UN,… go to full article
10th May 2012 - La cabina vasca- Euskarazko kabina
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUozY9Agi4c&w=560&h=315 Vídeo en Español y Euskera: Jaione nos habla del euskera, características y retos a la hora de interpretar, y de su trayectoria profesional. Bideoa, euskaraz eta gaztelaniaz: Jaione Arregik euskaratik eta euskarara interpretatzeari buruz… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Consecutive note-taking
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0yyZ72eiKc&feature=youtu.be How best to avoid the potential pit-falls of poor note-taking. Dick, formerly organiser of EU Commission interpreter training course and subsequently trainer of trainers, tells us. Dick, antiguo organizador del curso de formación de… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Starting simultaneous interpreting
https://youtu.be/Ol552QC_zhE Dick, formerly organiser of EU Commission interpreter training course and subsequently trainer of trainers, gives us a few tips for students about to start simultaneous interpretation. Dick, antiguo organizador del curso de formación de… go to full article
10th May 2012 - The eloquent detective
https://youtu.be/F1Lipcg50VU What is interpreting and what makes a good interpreter. Dick, formerly organiser of EU Commission interpreter training course and subsequently trainer of trainers, tells us. ¿Qué es interpretar, qué cualidades ha de tener un… go to full article
10th May 2012 - La importancia de la voz
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFSOuji1pVo&w=560&h=315 ¿Qué valora un delegado, cliente o usuario de servicios de interpretación? Pedro nos lo cuenta. What do delegates and customers of interpretation services value most? Pedro explains. Images© European Union go to full article
10th May 2012 - Naciones Unidas, Intérprete en NYC
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgQ62ipP8No&w=560&h=315 Paco nos recuerda la importancia del invisible trabajo de los intérpretes de conferencias. Paco reminds us of the importance of conference interpreters' invisible work. go to full article
10th May 2012 - Naciones Unidas, ¿free-lance o permanente?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qnc4daTcJrE&w=560&h=315 Adrián nos hace un recorrido por su trayectoria profesional y nos describe cómo es la vida de un intérprete free-lance y de un intérprete permanente en un organismo internacional. Adrian talks about his career… go to full article
10th May 2012 - United Nations, The Chinese Booth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p92FvNnlnDI&w=560&h=315 VÍDEO en INGLÉS/CHINO: Xiaohong nos cuenta cómo se convirtió en intérprete de conferencias y cómo trabaja la cabina china de Naciones Unidas en Nueva York. Xiaohong recounts how she became a conference interpreter. Images©… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Naciones Unidas y Congreso de los Diputados
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWPSoRU73jQ&w=560&h=315 Aitor nos habla de su trabajo como intérprete permanente, primero en el Congreso de los Diputados, Madrid, y actualmente en Naciones Unidas, Nueva York. Aitor talks to us about his work as a staff… go to full article
10th May 2012 - United Nations, “The Interpreter”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3VAhZ1KLAg&w=560&h=315 go to full article
10th May 2012 - Nations Unies, La cabine arabe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKjz8PriUJI&w=560&h=315 VÍDEO EN FRANCÉS y ÁRABE: Maya nos cuenta cómo llegó a Naciones Unidas y la importancia de querer comunicar en interpretación de conferencias. Maya nous parle de son arrivée aux Nations Unies et de… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Naciones Unidas, la vida de un intérprete profesional
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-o63SnS_O4&w=560&h=315 La interpretación es una puerta abierta a la historia en su gestación, Iciar nos lo cuenta. Iciar talks about interpreting as a window to history in the making. Images© European Union Images© UNifeed go to full article
10th May 2012 - Naciones Unidas, Consejos, anécdotas y recuerdos de profesión
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ0ABV2WTvQ&w=560&h=315 Nahum nos da un valioso consejo y nos regala alguna enriquecedora experiencia sobre la vida y la profesión. Nahum gives some useful advice and talks about his fascinating life and career. go to full article
10th May 2012 - Interpretación y procesamiento cognitivo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvLACWAtA7g&w=560&h=315 Carolina nos habla de su tesis doctoral sobre interpretación y procesamiento cognitivo: peculiaridades de los intérpretes... Carolina talks about her Ph.D. thesis in interpreting and cognitive processing: just one of those things interpreters do… go to full article
10th May 2012 - MIC ULL: The aptitude tests
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaaPGHR4BRk&w=560&h=315 Michelle nos habla de los tests de aptitud del Master de Interpretación de Conferencias de La Laguna. Michelle describes the aptitude tests for the Master in Conference Interpreting at La Laguna. go to full article
10th May 2012 - Anna GRZYBOWSKA, La programmation, DG INTE, PE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYrKdoB1oL0&w=560&h=315 Anna nos describe el trabajo de la Unidad de programación del Parlamento Europeo, DG INTE. Anna nous décrit le travail de l'Unité de programmation du Parlement Européen, la DG INTE. go to full article
10th May 2012 - European Parliament, a booth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV0o7MLQLac&w=560&h=315 Imágenes de una cabina de interpretación del Parlamento Europeo en Estrasburgo. Images of an interpreting booth at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. go to full article
10th May 2012 - Los inicios de la cabina española
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knlyAz1kVJs&w=560&h=315 Mercedes nos habla de su trayectoria personal y profesional. Mercedes talks about her life and her career. go to full article
10th May 2012 - El proceso cerebral de la interpretación
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCYcw5PY3tE&w=560&h=315 Cristina nos da algunas pistas sobre el proceso cerebral de la interpretación y las actuales líneas de investigación. Cristina explains what goes on the brain when we interpret and tells us about current research.… go to full article
10th May 2012 - ¿Son iguales todas las lenguas?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLs4PUcZM9o&w=560&h=315 ¿Hay lenguas superiores e inferiores o todas las lenguas son iguales al cumplir su función: permitir la comunicación entre sus pueblos? Xema nos da su opinión. Are some languages superior to others? Or are… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Le Retour
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z151JTBkhp4&w=560&h=315 Dimitris, intérprete de cabina griega con retour a francés, nos explica qué es el retour. Una visión diferente de nuestra profesión. Dimitris, a Greek interpreter with a retour into French, explains what a 'retour'… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Interpretación de acompañamiento
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYWnt8P13PU&w=560&h=315 Gemma nos explica en qué consiste su trabajo como intérprete de acompañamiento. Gemma talks about her work as an escort interpreter. go to full article
10th May 2012 - El Globish
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyVBVN1Nvsw&w=560&h=315 Xema nos explica qué es el Globish y sus efectos... Xema tells us about Globish and its consequences. Xema habla a título personal: sus opiniones no reflejan necesariamente las de la Comisión Europea. Xema… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Un día de Pleno en el Parlamento Europeo, Estrasburgo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8mEjVBiQbA&w=560&h=315 Hoy nos ponemos los auriculares y nos trasladamos, en el espacio, al Hemiciclo del Parlamento Europeo! Today we're putting our headsets on and visiting the hemicycle of the European Parliament! Images© European Union -… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Intérpretes, cabinas y lenguas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQpmyan9dOs&w=560&h=315 Intérpretes trabajando en el Parlamento Europeo. Extractos de conferencias de prensa, periodistas, auriculares, intérpretes de signos. Interpretación en directo en diferentes lenguas comunitarias. Interpreters at work. Cutaways in press conference, journalists, headphones. Interpreter doing… go to full article
10th May 2012 - L´interprétation simultanée en studio TV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2QjJaxW42A&w=560&h=315 Olivier nos enseña lo último en tecnología para interpretación simultánea en estudio de televisión. Olivier shows us the latest technology for simultaneous interpreting in a TV studio. go to full article
10th May 2012 - Tips for speakers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU5s0zkd-eo&w=560&h=315 Matthew nos da algunos consejos para oradores con el fin de mejorar la comunicación y facilitar la interpretación. Matthew gives us some tips for speakers to improve communication and make our interpreting job easier! go to full article
10th May 2012 - Olga COSMIDOU, Directora General de la DG INTE, PE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtUez8QeY6M&w=560&h=315 Hablamos con Olga Cosmidou, Directora General de la DG INTE, Parlamento Europeo. A chat with Olga Cosmidou, Director General of DG INTE, European Parliament. go to full article
10th May 2012 - El punto de vista del técnico, DG INTE, PE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sWxC8KhZ_c&w=560&h=315 Jorge nos explica en qué consiste el trabajo de un técnico de sonido y la Régie. Jorge explains to us what sound technicians do. go to full article
10th May 2012 - Interpreting at the European Parliament
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi3xVwQeUrs&w=560&h=315 Preparing the future. The EP speaks your language. go to full article
10th May 2012 - The Japanese booth: 日本語ブース
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dD7uPQE8d4&w=560&h=315 Chieko nos habla de la cabina japonesa y nos enseña, y explica, su toma de notas. Chieko talks about the Japanese booth and explains her note-taking technique. go to full article
10th May 2012 - The Chinese booth/ 中文和中文口译简介
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRuNTMp_aGA&w=560&h=315 ¿Es la estatura importante para ser intérprete en China? ¿Cómo es la toma de notas? Lori nos explica esto y mucho más... Did you know that for Chinese interpreters, size really does matter? How… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Interpreting behind the scenes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHiSTBKguos&w=560&h=315 Catherine nos da una descripción muy interesante de la interpretación consecutiva y simultánea. Catherine gives us an interesting description of consecutive and simultaneous interpreting. go to full article
10th May 2012 - Interpreting: Popular myths
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spuQPPO8xb0&w=560&h=315 Michelle nos desmonta muchos de los mitos que existen sobre la interpretación de conferencias y el conocimiento de idiomas. Myth busting: Michelle debunks many commonly held views on conference interpreting and language knowledge. go to full article
10th May 2012 - L´interprète de conférences
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtNSTE1_b_A&w=560&h=315 Maryse, profesora del Máster de Interpretación de La Laguna, nos describe el perfil de un potencial alumno de interpretación. Maryse, a lecturer for the Master in Conference Interpretation course at La Laguna University, describes… go to full article
10th May 2012 - Juan Carlos JIMÉNEZ, DG INTE, PE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S9eI-kdXus&w=560&h=315 Parlamento Europeo, DG INTE. Hiring interpreters at the European Parliament. go to full article
10th May 2012 - Javier ÁLVAREZ, La cabina española, DG INTE, PE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usiEh9Y895Y&w=560&h=315 Parlamento Europeo, DG INTE Multilingualism at the European Parliament go to full article
10th May 2012 - BOOTH MANNERS!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZXz6bTB3JE&w=560&h=315 Matthew nos ilustra algunas de las cosas que pueden resutar molestas trabajando en una cabina de interpretación. Booth manners: Matthew illustrates a few potential annoyances to avoid when working in a simultaneous interpretation booth. go to full article
10th May 2012 - La cabina/The booth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4FPSksFthE&w=560&h=315 Gino nos explica los entresijos de una cabina de interpretación simultánea: la consola, el reparto de trabajo entre los colegas, los relais etc. Simultaneous interpretation booths and equipment, how work is shared in a… go to full article